Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chapters 23-26 lololololol

In these chapters i read i learned that Jurgis moves to Chicago and then finds a job in underground tunnels or something like that haha and yes Jurgis is still spending money for booze and stuff like that. Jurgis gets injuried while doing this job and that dosent suprise me since this guy likes to get hurt a alot in the last few chapters haha and ends up spending christmas injuried and sadly with no family pretty much :( he also becomes a hobo and has to fight for stuff like food and territories. Jurgis meets this guy named Freddie and he helps him by making him a huge dinner for himself..Lucky! Freddie also gave Jurgis 100$ and he tries to get change but cant and he goes to some place to try and he goes to the bar and he beats up the bartender for not giving correct change and he goes back to jail for 10 days plus costs. Jurgis joins this underground thing and becomes rich haha and thats it! :D


Josh911GT1 said...

I thought you did a good job nailing the main points of the chapter. I really liked how you made the reaction fun. Overall, good job.

BlakeWilson said...

Well Collin, I think you did a great job summarizing the chapters for me but I did notice that you were struggling on showing the readers of your blog how you feel. Work on that a bit and I hope to see your writing improve.

Destiny said...

You did a good job summerizing the chapters and i liked your reaction.Good Job

Anonymous said...


The style you use is always fun to read and is a good blog all it needs is you to take more time on it.

Garret said...

Its nice to see that you enjoyed the reading haha. Good summary of the reading, however a little more depth wouldnt hurt. Keep on bloggin'!

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