Thursday, November 18, 2010

Individual Novel Response - The Grapes of Wrath

The novel i am reading is called The Grapes of Wrath and its by John Steinback and its a pretty good novel. I read about 3 chapters so far and its about a Oklahoma farm family, the Joads, who are driven off their homestead and forced to travel west to the promised land of California and they are forced to survive through the dustbowl but i only know that because i read the back of the book. I think this book will be a pretty good one and i hope theres going to be alot of adventure in this book but i must read it to find out.. Or find a summary. So far this book never really tells us anything except pretty much just the setting and main characters and a little information buts thats all for about 3 chapters and im too bored so im just gonna keep this simple as in not 250 words so i have very high hopes for this book and it better be worth it because i need to recheck in this book at the library.


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