Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Free Write

Im apprehensive about sharing my writing because its not really the worlds best writing so its not that amazing to share and plus im just got the sharing kind of guy so i dont really believe in this kind of stuff. My fear about sharing my writing is that i fear that people wouldnt like the stuff i have typed and thats just a bit of a let down but its all good. The best case scenario is that i might be able to get some positive feedback for my essay and thats always good and my worst case scenario is that i will get no feedback towards my essay and thats no good now is it haha

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Dreadful Coldness

The cold makes me want to just lock my room and sleep and play Black Ops all day and i do that all the time because i always keep my windows open in my room 24/7 so my room stays a warm 50-60 degrees or so and i like the coldness in my room because it gives me a excuse to keep my pajamas on all day which is really comfy and i will sleep like half the day and all the stuff and I'm trying to play xbox and sleep at the same time I'm getting there but right now its not happening and the cold also makes me want to drink alot of hot tea, coffee, and hot chocolate

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Strengths and Weaknesses stuff...

I believe my strengths and weaknesses are that my strengths first are that i can make good stories and stuff like that and thats pretty much it at the time and my weaknesses are that i dont make good paragraphs and just horrible general english which is a bad thing i guess if your typing a essay haha and i guess i have bad punctuation and all that good stuff. Now i have to try and to have no weaknesses and just have strengths! Which will be hard..

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Awakening

The first few chapters of The Awakening were very random and didn't make much sense to me so i kept reading a few chapters until i realized what they were doing... Well not really this whole book was very confusing and i don't like confusing books because it bores me a lot and then i just totally forgot about the book and didn't read past chapter 7 so i didn't finish the book and i guess that's a bad thing. Hopefully i will finish it, just when i have the chance or free time to read it again. But what i heard from reviews is that its a really good book and I think i should of read it but i didn't so i think i missed out but other then that, that is pretty much my whole response because i didnt read at all.. Maybe next time..